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Handlevogn 0

It all started when…

My journey to becoming an ambassador for sustainable growth started in 2004 when I became a mother for the first time. Life got a new meaning and I became very aware of my responsibility to ensure a bright and promising future for my child. That led me to books and articles about the environment, climate change, healthy food, sustainable living, and about people’s ability to make change. As I gained more knowledge I started applying new ideas and ways of living into my day-to-day life.

When BI Norwegian Business School in 2008 announced their new program at their executive Master of Management Studies: Corporate responsibility and business ethics under globalization and climate change I knew I had to apply. It was amazing! Lecturers, as well as many business leaders, provided knowledge and information about opportunities for businesses to contribute to major environmental and social changes. This laid the foundation for my commitment and further career.


In 2017 I started my own company with the purpose of contributing to reaching the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. I’ve since then worked with different businesses and organizations, helping them map their opportunities, setting goals and applying ways to reach those goals!

I’ve had the pleasure of assisting The Norwegian Centre of Circular Economy (NCCE) from it´s establishment in December 2017 to september 2022 - in different roles. Amongst the projects NCCE was part of I got to be project manger for “CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)-cluster at Øra and regionally” (Borg CO2) where 18 partners worked together in a feasibility study with the goal to contribute to the SDG’s, circular economics and national climate policy through reduced emissions of CO2. It was a very exciting project with lots of knowledgeable and great people! Together they mapped a possibility of removing up to 630.000 tons of CO2/year (from emitters in the region) - for permanent storage - CCS. That is a whole lot of CO2 not reaching the atmosphere!!

Another exciting project I could mention is “Sustainable innovation through Industrial Symbioses” owned by FREVAR and with NORSUS (Norwegian Institute for Sustainable research). At this project 13 business partners representing different sectors are working together to optimize the use of available resources such as waste and side stream (in a circular economy), energy and water - at Øra. Here to add value, reduce costs and benefit the environment. I really enjoyed working together with these businesses, cooperating to make the future more sustainable.

In addition to NCCE I´ve also worked for CCUS Norway, KAN (Klimakur for Avfallsforbrenning i Norge), Næringshagen Østfold and others. And I host workshops and seminars on CCUS, circular economy, sustainability, entrepreneurship and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Contact me for more info and/or to schedule a meeting.


In order to ensure a sustainable future we also need to live sustainably. This means that we have to be conscious of our own use of the earths resources, our own carbon footprint. We need to Reduce - Reuse - Recycle! Reduce our consumption, Reuse - instead of buying new stuff - and we need to make sure that everything that can be recycled finds its way to be recycled! I try my best every day - and practice a minimalist lifestyle.

Together we can ensure a sustainable future!

Kind regards,

