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We should all be environmental- & climate activists!


The UN’s 17 Sustainability Development Goals are goals that everyone in this world need to take part in - with the purpose to end poverty, protecting the planet and ensure prosperity for all!

In a speech Greta Thunberg held, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference summit in 2018, she said

“You say you love your children above all else and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes.”

Greta Thunberg is today 19 yeas old. She is a climate activist from Sweden who in August 2018, at the age of 15 started spending her school days outside the Swedish Parliament to call for a stronger action on climate change by holding up a sign reading “Skolstreik för klimatet” (School strike for climate). That started a movement joined by people all over the world!

We all need to take part in making sure that our children will have the same opportunities as us grown-ups living today. This will not happen if we don’t act NOW!

EVERYTHING the businesses and organizations I assist work towards, is in one way or another contributing to reaching the SDG’s.

I also spend as much time as I possibly can with children, teenagers, students and young people:

  • to tell them about how businesses and organizations (read grown-ups) are working to “clean up their mess”

  • to teach and inspire them in how they can take part (and not do the same mistakes as we grown-ups have done)

  • to comfort them and giving them hope that we can help the world become healthy again by cleaning the oceans, saving animals, making sure that we reduce our CO2 emissions so that the temperature does not increase more than the world can handle, and more…


Calendula Sisterhood


In 2019 my friend Lena Roer came to me and told me that she wanted to start an organization and work for girls' right to education - I quickly replied that I wanted to help. The idea ended up with us registering Calendula Sisterhood as a non-profit with the goal to build schools for girls in India, but also to support and empower women all over the world. You can read more about Calendula Sisterhood here: www.calendulasisterhood.no